Sagarmatha Jeevan Mantra 2073-02-13

2:48 AM

The creation of this universe was done by the combination of earth, water, light, air and sky together. The entire world relies on these five nice entities. The human body was also created by the 5 nice entities. The new planets on the sky represent these five nice entities. In the Veda, the sun represents the soul and the moon represents the mind. Similarly, the qualities light, earth, sky, water and air are inherent in the Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively.

The word, touch, form, taste, smell are the subjects of the 5 nice entities. These subjects are noninheritable by the 5 information senses of men. Every human senses longs for its subjective happiness. For subjective pleasures, the planet activates the senses associated thereto. The mind is affected by the demand from the sense. Hence, a certain work relies upon our fondness towards it. For a work, the mind takes approval from the soul. For the work and issues approved by the soul, our mind operates senses and subjects accordingly.

The Rashifal of a person is that the position at the moon during the time of his birth. According to the position of the dynamic planets in “Chandraraashi”, there is a change in a very person’s interest, behaviour, health and situation. The willpower of Mind (the Moon) and the discrimination power of Soul (the Sun) square measure the most important factors behind one’s performance. The planets, that are indicator to the senses produce a selection of circumstances. Human life is entangled in these circumstances. From birth till death, various things that we have a tendency to face in life like growth and decline, happiness and sorrow, friend and enemy, affluence, scarcity, poverty, disease, state, esteem, children, family including all our specified actions square measure mobilized by the planets.

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